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Dr. Olukayode Alabi

Paediatrician & Neonatologist - Cedarcrest Abuja
  • Skills :
    Paediatrician & Neonatologist
  • Address Info :
    No. 2, Sam Mbakwe Street, Gudu District, Apo, Abuja


VICTOR OLUKAYODE ALABI FWACPaed, PGD(Nutrition), LMIH (Leadership and Management). MB;BS

Dr. Victor O. Alabi is a Consultant Paediatrician/Neonatologist at Cedarcrest Hospital, Abuja. He has about 12 years of experience in Children and Neonatal Care.

He had his basic medical education at the University of Ilorin, Kwara State and his postgraduate training in Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital (ISTH), Irrua and LAUTECH Teaching hospital (LTH), Ogbomosho. He had been a resident paediatrician in some private hospitals in Lagos and Port-Harcourt.

Dr. Alabi has got experience in Neonatal care, child growth and development, nutrition with special interest in Paediatric cardiology.

He is a fellow of West African College of Physicians (WACP), a member of Nigerian Society for Paediatric Cardiology (NISOPAC) and Paediatric Association of Nigeria. (PAN)

Honors and Awards



FWACPaed, PGD (Nutrition), LMIH (Leadership and Management). MB;BS

Dr. Alabi had his basic medical education at the University of Ilorin, Kwara State and his postgraduate training in Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital (ISTH), Irrua and LAUTECH Teaching hospital (LTH), Ogbomosho.

Paediatrician 100%
Neonatologist 100%

Dr. Victor O. Alabi is a Consultant Paediatrician/Neonatologist at Cedarcrest Hospital, Abuja. He has about 12 years of experience in Children and Neonatal Care.

Dr. Alabi has got experience in Neonatal care, child growth and development, nutrition with special interest in Paediatric cardiology.

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