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Dr. Felix Ogedegbe

Orthopaedic Surgeon - Cedarcrest Hospitals Abuja
  • Skills :
    Orthopaedics Surgeon
  • Address Info :
    No. 2, Sam Mbakwe Street, Gudu District, Apo, Abuja


Dr. Felix Ogedegbe, MBBS, FWACS, FICS, FRSM, is a consultant orthopaedic surgeon and the Medical Director/CEO of Cedarcrest Hospitals Limited, Nigeria.

He is an alumnus of the School of Medicine, University of Benin and the orthopaedic residency programme of the National Orthopaedic Hospital, Igbobi, Lagos.

He had further work and training at the Charite Hospital, Berlin, Germany and the Newham University Hospital, London, United Kingdom.

His orthopaedic experience spans over twenty years, the first half of which was spent as an orthopaedic surgeon in the Nigerian Army, retiring as a Major in 2007.

He has spent the last twelve years working with colleagues to develop Cedarcrest Hospitals, one of Nigeria’s foremost private multi-specialty hospitals with centres in Lagos and Abuja.

He works as a medical administrator and combines this with an active practice in orthopaedic trauma and arthroplasty.

Dr. Ogedegbe is a Fellow of the West African College of Surgeons, the International College of Surgeons and the Royal Society of Medicine.

He is also an active member of several local and international professional bodies including membership of the Nigerian Medical Association, Nigerian Orthopaedic Association, Arthroplasty Society of Nigeria, Guild of Medical Directors, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and the J. Robert Gladden Orthopaedic Society, USA, amongst others.

In addition to his role as the Medical Director of Cedarcrest Hospitals, Dr. Ogedegbe also serves as the Chairman of the National Emergency Medical Treatment Committee, the National Emergency Medical Services and Ambulance Scheme and he is a Member of the Board of Directors of the Federal Teaching Hospital, Gombe. He is married to Evelyn and they have three kids.

Honors and Awards




Dr. Felix is an alumnus of the School of Medicine, University of Benin and the orthopaedic residency programme of the National Orthopaedic Hospital, Igbobi, Lagos.

He had further work and training at the Charite Hospital, Berlin, Germany and the Newham University Hospital, London, United Kingdom.

Dr. Ogedegbe is also Fellow of the West African College of Surgeons, the International College of Surgeons and the Royal Society of Medicine.

Orthopaedics Surgeon 100%

His orthopaedic experience spans over twenty years, the first half of which was spent as an orthopaedic surgeon in the Nigerian Army, retiring as a Major in 2007.

He has spent the last twelve years working with colleagues to develop Cedarcrest Hospitals, one of Nigeria’s foremost private multi-specialty hospitals with centres in Lagos and Abuja.

He works as a medical administrator and combines this with an active practice in orthopaedic trauma and arthroplasty.

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