Pre-marriage test
Special Package
Hospital Registration
GP Consultation
Physicals (Weight, Height, BMI)
Blood Group
Hepatitis B & C Screening
Blood Glucose (Fasting or Random)
ECG (Electrocardiogram)
HIV Screening*
VDRL (Syphilis)
Abdominal-pelvic Ultrasound Scan
Together in Health: Comprehensive Pre-Marriage Screening
Start your journey together on a strong and healthy foundation with our Comprehensive Pre-Marriage Screening package. This tailored health check ensures both partners are informed about their health and compatibility, supporting a healthy and happy future together.
What’s Included?
- Hospital Registration: Quick and seamless onboarding to access all services.
- GP Consultation: Expert guidance to review medical history and discuss health concerns.
- Physicals (Weight, Height, BMI): Tracks basic health metrics to evaluate overall wellness.
- Blood Group & Genotype: Critical tests to assess compatibility and genetic health factors.
- Urinalysis: Screens for potential infections or kidney issues.
- Hepatitis B & C Screening: Ensures both partners are free of infectious diseases.
- Blood Glucose (Fasting or Random): Monitors sugar levels to detect diabetes risks.
- ECG (Electrocardiogram): Examines heart rhythm and function for cardiac health.
- HIV Screening: Ensures both partners are informed about their status and promotes mutual health.
- VDRL (Syphilis): Detects syphilis infections, ensuring public and personal health safety.
- Abdominal-Pelvic Ultrasound Scan: Provides a detailed assessment of abdominal and reproductive health.
With this comprehensive package, you and your partner can confidently embrace the next chapter of your lives together. The Pre-Marriage Screening is a thoughtful step toward a shared commitment to health and well-being.