Pre-employment test
Special Package
Hospital Registration
GP Consultation
Physician Consultation
Physicals (Weight, Height, BMI)
Full Blood Count
Blood Group
Hepatitis B & C Screening
Stool Examination
Chest X-Ray
Blood Glucose (Fasting or Random)
Kidney function Tests (Electrolytes, Urea, Creatinine)
Liver Function Tests (ALT, AST, GGT, Bilirubin, ALP, Total Proteins, Albumin, Globulin)
ECG (Electrocardiogram)
Job-Ready Health Screening: Comprehensive Pre-Employment Package
Set yourself apart with our Comprehensive Pre-Employment Health Screening package, tailored to ensure fitness and readiness for the demands of any workplace. This all-inclusive package provides detailed health assessments and screenings, giving employers and employees the confidence to start strong in a new role while promoting a healthier and safer work environment.
What’s Included?
- Hospital Registration: Streamlined registration for access to all required services.
- GP Consultation & Physician Consultation: Expert evaluations to review medical history and assess overall health.
- Physicals (Weight, Height, BMI): Standard measurements to monitor body health indicators.
- Full Blood Count (FBC): Identifies potential infections or blood-related issues.
- Blood Group & Genotype: Crucial tests for compatibility and genetic health information.
- Urinalysis: Checks for urinary tract infections or kidney-related conditions.
- Hepatitis B & C Screening: Essential tests for infectious disease prevention.
- ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate): Detects inflammation or underlying health concerns.
- Chest X-Ray: Assesses lung health and detects any respiratory conditions.
- Blood Glucose (Fasting or Random): Monitors sugar levels to screen for diabetes or related issues.
- Kidney Function Tests: Evaluates kidney performance through tests of electrolytes, urea, and creatinine.
- Liver Function Tests: Comprehensive assessment of liver health, including ALT, AST, Bilirubin, and more.
- ECG (Electrocardiogram): Examines heart rhythm and function to ensure cardiac health.
- Eye Examination: Tests for vision clarity and detects common eye conditions.
- Dental Examination: Evaluates oral health and identifies any potential dental issues.
This robust package is designed to provide both employers and employees with peace of mind, ensuring a smooth transition into the workplace. Whether you’re entering a new role or onboarding a team, our Job-Ready Health Screening is the foundation for success and well-being.